Specification and Guide Fire Extinguisher

Elements fire combustion
Fuel  flammables materials properties
Heat ignition temperature each materials
  flammable materials have low ignition temperature   
Oxygen oxidation gas
Chain reaction uncommon, chemically involved.
Better understand that naturally the ratio each elements will affect small, big even burn off.
Mean one element must be separated each other in order to fire be extinguished

Classification combustible materials 

Contains paper, wood, plastics, clothes, animals etc
Technical extinguisher smothering, wrapping, insolating, cut off chain reaction combustion elements above
Conventional  extinguisher bulky wet clothes(sack), sand, mud, soil.
Modern Powder,Co2, Foam and many types of extinguisher 

Contains Oils,petroleum,  parafin, grease etc
Technical extinguisher smothering, wrapping
Conventional sand, wet sack clothes, soil, mud
Modern Extinguisher only foam type extinguisher.

Electrical shortening
Technical extinguisher cut off combution chain reaction using modern extinguisher ( Co2,powder,gas) , never use Foam .
most important , first turn off electric power connections.
Conventional not available caused electric short hazard 

Contains flammable metal such as Sodium(Natrium), Magnesium, potassium, Zirconium etc
Technical extinguisher cooling materials until lower than ignition flammable temperature.
Convention wet plant(some like bananas etc), water.
Modern many type which have cooling properties.

Modern extinguisher

Dry Chemical or Powder type

Application Class A, B, C

Properties :
1. Heat rejection, oxidation restriction,non electric conductor
2. Cooling media
    extinguishing agent composed of very small particles of chemicals such as, but not limited to, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, urea-based potassium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, or monoammonium phosphate supplemented by special treatment to provide resistance to packing and moisture absorption (caking) as well as to provide proper flow capabilities. Dry chemical does not include dry powders.

    Foam type extinguisher
    Application class A and B
        1. Smothering flame, fire
        2. Long distance spraying 5-7 meter, about 30-90 minutes
    Wrapping film fire flamemeans a fluorinated surfactant with a foam stabilizer which is diluted with water to act as a temporary barrier to exclude air from mixing with the fuel vapor by developing an aqueous film on the fuel surface of some hydrocarbons which is capable of suppressing the generation of fuel vapors.
    Co2 or Gas type extinguisher
    Application class A, B, an C     More effective used in room., office, clean, safe. means a colorless, odorless, electrically nonconductive inert gas (chemical formula CO(2)) that is a medium for extinguishing fires by reducing the concentration of oxygen or fuel vapor in the air to the point where combustion is impossible.


    Unknown said...

    What about Water Fire Extinguishers? They're not listed, but from reading I presume they can tackle Class A fires, which are usually the most common types of fire.

    Unknown said...

    thanks martha,

    Fire Extinguisher Training in Las Vegas said...

    Nobody likes to imagine they would be put in an emergency situation and not know what to do. As a training exercise we often imagine in our head the steps we would take or what we need to do to help out. Frequently, in this thought exercise people consider a fire outbreak.

    Fire Extinguisher Training in Las Vegas

    Unknown said...

    better we prevent avoid be in emergency situation especially fire disaster.. fire extinguisher training may be including teory how , tools, practice to control fire before to be a disaster .. citizen forest etc.. because of i have seen some people confuse how to use fire extinguisher, please imagine how fire can be develop from electric transformer, gas tank,.. thanks some day i ll complete my post,. right now i have not enough time..